
Benefits of Insurance in Kenya

In light of the current economic crisis that is currently taking place in Kenya the benefits of insurance can seem highly attractive. However, it is important to understand just how life insurance benefits one of the country's citizens. One major benefit is that an individual who chooses to carry life insurance can have some form of financial protection during old age. Most  insurance companies in Kenya  offer a variety of options for the elderly including retirement and funeral plans. Another benefit of insurance in Kenya is that the elderly can be insured for their health care needs. As most Kenyans live in rural areas, it is not always easy to find a doctor that one can trust. For this reason, it is extremely important for individuals to carry life insurance. Many insurance companies in Kenya encourage the practice of universal health care coverage as many of the country's medical problems stem from living in rural areas without medical attention. Yet another benefit of insu

what is Life Insurance ? Benefits of Life Insurance

 If you somehow managed to pass by the word reference definition, "extra security" is a monetary item that pays you or your dependants an amount of cash either after a set period or upon your demise all things considered.  Be that as it may if you somehow happened to comprehend the term plainly and furthermore value its significance in your life, consider "extra security" as a back-up arrangement forever. Extra security in its easiest structure implies being readied monetarily, no matter what. It guarantees that your family and you get monetary help on the off chance that you can't acquire the truly necessary pay yourself (possibly because of a mishap, retirement, or unfavourable destruction).  In lawful terms, disaster protection is an agreement between a protection policyholder (safeguarded) and an insurance agency (safety net provider). Under this agreement, the backup plan vows to pay a pre-chosen amount of cash (otherwise called "Total Assured" o

Different Types of Insurance in Kenya

When it comes to buying insurance for your car, the most important thing that you should consider is the fact that you need to get a cover that covers the different types of insurance that you may need to cover in case you become a victim of theft or robbery. This is especially true if you are travelling in an area where there are a high number of tourists as there is a higher chance of your car being stolen or if it gets broken into. Even if you have the best security system installed in your car, the odds are quite high that thieves would be able to break into your car and steal it. So, what are the different types of coverage that you can get in terms of an  insurance company in Kenya ? The two basic types of coverage that you can get is general liability coverage and comprehensive coverage. General liability covers any claims that you incur from accidents or damage to your car but it doesn't cover the costs of replacing your car. Comprehensive insurance covers the costs of your